Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Play Festival WINNER! Thanks & Future

Princess K.I.M. Stage Reading - New Play Festival
Hi All-
I want to publicly thank Mr. Ronald M. Ruble, Brian Marshall, the judges and the entire board of the Caryl Crane Children's Theater as well as director Pierre Brault and the cast for giving us the opportunity to have our play staged at your New Play Festival. We are thrilled to have been chosen as the winner and we look forward to the full production in 2013 in Huron, OH!

The purpose of a New Play stage reading is to help launch a new play into the world. This stage reading at the Caryl Crane Theater was a valuable first step for us, and this experience will help us fine tune the play and its music, and discover what needs to tweaked and enhanced. Thank you for providing the venue to help us share our play with a live audience. I observed the audience...they laughed at all the right places, applauded loudly and seemed to be enthralled throughout, but the faces of the children convinced me that we have something special to offer the children's theater world. Thank you! It is only the beginning for Princess K.I.M. We look forward to sharing our play with the world!

I also want to thank the many theater volunteers, parents and support staff who helped behind the scenes. A special thanks to several families (who I recently met at my school visits in Michigan) who bravely made the trip to see my play!

I have posted a photo album of the Festival on the Princess K.I.M. Facebook page. Please view the pictures there. (Our facebook link is to the left.)

With Grateful Hearts-
Maryann, and the Princess K.I.M. Team;
Toby, Andrew & Premik
Director Pierre Brault, Maryann Cocca-Leffler and Artistic Director Brian Marshall
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